Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Women are controlling, both the economy and home.

Our society normally considers the women as family caretakers who stays at home, take care of the children, serve the men, cook food, wash clothes etc. The main problem with our society is that it is too much male-dominated, it doesn't gives freedom to women.

It has been a long notion of patriarchy that it always tries to prove that men are better than women, or families can't be run without men, who are the sole breadwinners. But it has always used the biased ways, like restricting women to step outside, forcing young men to work outside even if they are incapable.

See the source image

But, as the time is changing, women are getting more freedom, they are doing the things that they want. And the notion created by Empirical Patriarchy, that "Men are the sole-breadwinners of a family", is being proved that it is nothing but a mere propaganda. Our conventional patriarch society feared that, women might take up the jobs of men and dominate them at their own jobs, and exactly that's what happening now.

According to this infographic(by business insider), all the Women in the US now hold 60% of the wealth, men hold only 40% . And in addition to that, it also says that, 2/3 of wealth would be hold only by the women, after a decade.
Data is only going to be more tilted towards women in the future.

women, purchasing power, infographic, spending

Nowadays, women are beating the conventional patriarch beliefs, and are proving that they can handle the job and economy as well as the house, better than men.  

In addition to that, Girls are performing better than boys in schools and universities, in every subject, be it maths, science or languages. And girl to boy pass ratio has been increasing constantly. In the US, 60% of the bachelor degree holders are women.

Not only in the developed countries, but also in the underdeveloped countries, girls beat boys in schools and universities, despite the inequality.

See the source image

This simply means that, women can get high profile jobs more easily as compared to the men, simply dominating them in the higher posts.

It's up to you whether you find this as biased towards females or not, but this is inevitable, women are proving that they are better than men in earning money. And the women will completely dominate men in almost all the jobs, in the future.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Motive of the blog

Regaining the dignity for the females.

This blog is dedicated to every female of the world, who fight against the oppressive patriarch culture, directly or indirectly, by achieving great feats in different male-dominated stereotypical fields, shunning down the hypocritical nature of the society.

They just need equal rights, then they will show their real power.

Here I will post about different women, who are achieving or working hard to achieve the success against the hypocrisy in different men-dominated fields, proving that they are not less, but more powerful. 

Basically, this is a female empowerment blog, I know that there are many such blogs, but still discrimination against women exists in the world. Just roaming on roads and shouting "WOMEN EMPOWERMENT" is not enough, we need to show those hypocrites, the achievements of our daughters and sisters.

I will search and find about such such news, statistics, women etc, who prove that the females are not weaker than the males, instead they are stronger. And post about it here.

Note: I am not associated to any pseudo-feminist or feminazi group, I am a male and I hold a viewpoint that both women and men are equal. I am just highlighting more women related news, to bring them into limelight, because they need more publicity to strip the blinding eye-patches off the hypocrites.